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標題: New CD from Hong Kong [打印本頁]

作者: minnie0519    時間: 2009-12-27 22:54     標題: New CD from Hong Kong

Hi all sisters here , myt name is Minnie from Hong Kong , but i live in Melbounrne Australia , i am in hong kong from vacation now . Pls say hi to all sisters. I usully crossdress @ home and anywhere in Australia , it s' really funny ! And i always just wear jean skirt and pantyhose onaboard the flight without making up.. pls sharing experience with me ..!
  W7 m% m# v: A$ j* ]: Y
1 e: F7 F# r5 ~$ [2 a6 P3 k- N2 B9 ?
' V* S) a" s& |6 L  `( _  N5 VProblem : I don't know how to post photos here , pls tell me hwo to post ? thanks
作者: belebala1234    時間: 2009-12-28 04:03

作者: qpzm1003    時間: 2009-12-28 14:14

WELCOME ! sister , may how old are you ?
作者: 校服收藏者    時間: 2009-12-28 23:46

  p! i! @' D. \! S- Z) Y" N8 D你搜尋"upload"應該搵到你要搵既資料架啦
作者: kylie_bigfan    時間: 2010-1-8 11:58

hi nice to see u sister, still in HK??

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