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標題: 好想認識可以一起拍照的人...一個人很難拍得好 [打印本頁]

作者: lamlam2903    時間: 2013-4-23 19:26     標題: 好想認識可以一起拍照的人...一個人很難拍得好

好想一起拍攝2 S9 m. t, u: n
一個人set 腳架自拍,很難拍得好$ a) {, Q  {3 U4 Y% s
最好能一起CD3 |% M  E% q. E  Y% Q' m0 E# n4 u* s
作者: arshan01    時間: 2013-4-23 21:52

如果你有一些含 android 系統的相機,尤其是 DSLR,有類似影樓的大片反光布或板子,有離機的閃光燈,那麼你自拍也可能拍出專業廣告品質的自拍硬照。) k' `& A0 Z* y) A
4 f) o1 v2 e! B; Z9 P/ v4 A2 w
% a% q7 R. {: N3 @' K/ D- {2 I
* k. b7 h) }: @- _) e9 @Control your Canon EOS with your Android device!
2 |1 b, }! Y' d  m) TDSLR Controller is the first and only app that allows you to fully control your Canon EOS DSLR from your Android device, with nothing more than a USB cable. No computer or laptop required, no root required. All you need is a compatible mobile device, a compatible camera, and the right USB cable.
8 T4 K0 \! @2 [' k7 m( q3 ]5 B& v0 {: m3 J# s& }8 t8 e, l
NEW: You can now also connect to select cameras (like the 6D) and WFT boxes using Wi-Fi !
作者: maggieleung    時間: 2013-5-12 19:05

I have DSLR too ^^' k* [: ~: \$ ?! t: ?4 [
When you want to photo ??
作者: dvcamman    時間: 2013-5-14 01:05


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