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原帖由 karen0129lai 於 20-9-2016 17:47 發表   ( v! U8 N0 |. ~' g
你同太太一齊返?應該恭喜你架可∼! [, A. F. P% f3 X
3 ~" D9 O, A% u0 t, Y
- c- A/ U4 Q1 @7 n8 J; X# _' a7 Y/ o) q5 n: W* M
你講真定講笑。 * r' J% `2 V% h2 @5 Q2 K. ~7 g$ J
我一個人時其實自由好多。6 g$ a( g0 M4 O% o" z

, a7 Q6 Z4 w# e7 }+ A# Z/ ?0 C: o" e: }著男裝陪佢買衫,齋睇無得試,個人會好燥。


成為永久會員的條件:發帖數(不論主題或回覆)達到 30 個積分達到 50 以上。

回復 21# nanaka 的帖子

你肯一齊返都係為左小朋友姐... 自由又真係難得...
+ U" e' N8 H$ F: {
- ~8 e# t/ v0 G; |: M6 u我就算男裝出街, 見倒鍾意既女裝都會試~
阿女出左世, 而家全屋都係女~


原帖由 nanaka 於 2016-9-21 02:25 發表   
2 P2 q5 N/ z6 V" V; t* \# Q" M* \; s5 U
7 S, N: r) L$ W. U
正常女人都應該唔會enjoy同扮緊女裝既老公行街Shopping掛。2 h$ m5 J5 Y( p! M
$ i% o& B1 p5 }% Y% X0 e1 l不過如果佢唔同你出街咪自己出囉,或者搵朋友倍你。最少佢唔反對嘛。4 o* j  [3 _/ y) z3 f
我就不知幾麻煩。因為佢唔鍾意見到一 ...
8 y0 D+ I5 v5 g# d
! g2 H. G: h% j0 K) C* q3 N0 Z2 BYou are not alone. I have several friends who are in same situation and sadly most of them either A. come clean at some point and let the significant other to decide. or B. Keep it as secret. Sometime I still wonder why I start to crawl in my mom's drawer and took her pantyhose to wear them at age 3? But that probably would have less fun over college years and I start to accept it and make the fun most of it safely.


原帖由 karen0129lai 於 21-9-2016 07:31 發表   7 c% n; [6 C" s( @. ?
你肯一齊返都係為左小朋友姐... 自由又真係難得...9 \6 t" q: [- z

5 {$ |3 C1 r5 K7 A$ o$ X5 j6 F我就算男裝出街, 見倒鍾意既女裝都會試~
' q( G/ ]9 T* f
4 i) L! Y+ [7 k( c! g我諗佢都係為左小朋友先咁。難為佢要同個變態一齊生活。3 _: B+ W' T3 C8 x! L- _  @* v/ [
(我就恢復北韓式被統治) , C9 q2 J- R" A0 t5 N* i' s

! G8 U- h$ Z6 i/ Z1 V3 x! ?8 k4 ~嘩嘩嘩!你著男裝都敢試女裝?你有條件勁似女仔,我就唔敢喇。


原帖由 christinecd 於 21-9-2016 07:58 發表   
/ ~% Z8 G+ G, o9 H+ G3 |" F% C
. X  V! e; Z/ e% o' V! }3 {! H" K/ S4 [
You are not alone. I have several friends who are in same situation and sadly most of them either A. come clean at some point and let the significant other to decide. or B. Keep it as secret. Some ...
) u' s- W- ?$ J8 W1 l) a/ |1 x% k9 r: z% ]0 I+ @+ k: t
Thank you. Coming out in front of your wife just like gambling. You may win your freedom on crossdress or loss all your family. Crossdress may give you some fun, but cannot last for your whole life. Family is more important. Me too, I have tried very hard and not doing crossdress for 6 years (after my son birth). And I have tried very hard to stay together just for the family. But her only solution was divorce at that moment. : v9 u% d: V/ j; |
At that time, I was very sad. But half year past, I started crossdress again. Now, I would like to thank her. I discover my true need. Crossdress is part of my life and cannot be separate.
  X+ d- z0 L0 M$ Z' B" v7 H- z  o0 r" z# f5 R* z
[ 本帖最後由 nanaka 於 2016-9-22 05:04 編輯 ]


  nice blog sharing, she has an opening mind, I am still too afraid to go out in CD mode


回復 24# nanaka 的帖子

我敢係因為我見過一個幾靚仔,仲明顯地係男人既德國男人試,仲走出黎問人意見∼之後好開心咁買左條裙,其他人完全無歧視既反應,所以我先敢∼; u5 J, c* v& I4 @& K  L$ B$ G

# J6 G3 s; c$ }: Y/ P4 s4 j! X8 Z# l有d幾熟既會知我CD,因為男裝女裝都有去過,仲有老婆一齊去∼知我同老婆會share女裝著∼仲好細心幫我度尺,有d裙要貼身先好睇,會修到合身,所以有時同款會買兩條∼因為老婆身材曲線好過我,佢貼身我會鬆身∼(雖然都知道係想做多d生意,但佢地真係好好服務∼所以我先話有幫襯佢地就唔會介意你試上身∼)
阿女出左世, 而家全屋都係女~


原帖由 karen0129lai 於 22-9-2016 10:48 發表   
7 ~7 {: I8 e& ?0 e; c& `: F我敢係因為我見過一個幾靚仔,仲明顯地係男人既德國男人試,仲走出黎問人意見∼之後好開心咁買左條裙,其他人完全無歧視既反應,所以我先敢∼
$ @0 m$ y- m1 a/ _7 L: R- s8 Q# N; L" ^" e( I4 ^
有d幾熟既會知我CD,因為男裝女裝都有去過,仲有老婆一齊去∼知我同老 ...
2 x7 ~3 N6 F! {: b* a' C$ {
% o  \9 @! C, x


原帖由 christinecd 於 2016-9-21 07:58 發表   
- d" @0 m/ B# u( N# N9 t: K# p, E+ N" R. k- M+ A
% B! |% `/ ]5 r+ L+ r* E: N
You are not alone. I have several friends who are in same situation and sadly most of them either A. come clean at some point and let the significant other to decide. or B. Keep it as secret. Some ...
8 q0 U% W' m+ q6 i1 d5 Y
' d" k9 T# P: a; Z$ M# c>> why I start to crawl in my mom's drawer and took her pantyhose to wear them at age 3  
: n9 E7 L7 H6 g2 N: r% P3 l* j
same as me.  But I only started from 10..  Now I also cannot always CD...




原帖由 misslady 於 2016-10-23 23:11 發表   ; j' b4 ^6 S9 P+ d
5 N4 w9 ]! P* t- G( k% u
0 Z- @3 i& n5 \- X7 d5 c
>> why I start to crawl in my mom's drawer and took her pantyhose to wear them at age 3  8 M/ B9 i# ]% |8 @* ]3 {- e9 n
/ w% Y4 a& [5 r/ n
same as me.  But I only started from 10..  Now I also cannot always CD...
( a/ R7 o; z- R6 P
Age of three? Kidding?






It is a blessing that your other half is understanding.  This will never happen to me.  She knows i love to cross dress but she is more than 100% opposed to it. I can only hoard all my garment away in a warehouse, and take them home when she is at work.  Selfish me that i cannot sacrifice cross dressing for her…


我老婆接受我穿絲襪, 但是變裝就..............


原帖由 解曉虹 於 2017-3-28 17:00 發表   
: z" e5 h  |( E; t$ bIt is a blessing that your other half is understanding.  This will never happen to me.  She knows i love to cross dress but she is more than 100% opposed to it. I can only hoard all my garment away in ...
" B( I; Y# W+ ~  V+ ?
Can you understand chinese??7 n, X+ v- L8 U" v8 ^" ~
佢唔接受就唯有當婚前玩法% d. Z+ E0 @+ w; D+ g' Q4 K/ V. C6 D


回復 36# tracy4 的帖子

In fact i do,  the reason why i am using english here is because for some reason my cantonese/chinese input cannot be displayed properly here… many a time i wanted to post something,  then it was only showing the first couple characters after i've posted it.  : s7 K8 u# d% h

5 K5 B5 \. W+ d0 b* }In fact it was exactly what i am doing right now.  I have to actually get a store room in those mini warehouse,  luckily there is one which is only about 10 mins drive from home.  Whenever my other is at work whilst i am not,  i drove to pick up my "proper attire".


回復 37# 解曉虹 的帖子

咁怪?我之前見你都出過中文都好地地… 突然變晒英文…" N! i* w6 ^) F0 m3 Q0 B/ n

) E. `; g9 P* I7 l% j3 g: q* k要放迷係倉果d都幾煩…5 f$ \7 y2 E0 h' m1 J7 B
8 T1 u3 u( A4 {! |) ]; j
阿女出左世, 而家全屋都係女~


能街事丈夫女裝的 太太都是好太太


我囉, 而家同女友同居, 佢又唔介意接受左.....
" Y" W8 \$ x1 M5 ~1 h% @
, x8 T/ M* L  \9 P+ R' `9 q, P而家我好多時放工返到屋企都全女裝, 內內外外都著女裝9 x9 I: R& `" G) N

/ T( w  Z- q9 m: x" P" i6 U仲會一齊出街睇或者網購女裝