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Question about wearing skirt onboard the flight

Question about wearing skirt onboard the flight

Hay All sisters , i am minnie from Hong Kong living in Melbourne Australia , i always crossdress as like a girl in Australia . I got a problem is that is that illegal for me to wear jean skirt only without making up when departing in Hong Kong Airport.I always wear like that to everywhere in the world airport .


成為永久會員的條件:發帖數(不論主題或回覆)達到 30 個積分達到 50 以上。
there's no rules that restrict man's wearing. it will be ok!
1 ]$ _% |7 R4 J; a
2 Z1 ~" b1 I. }$ Pnot long ago, a foreign cd was drunk and tied with rope and sm gear., T8 Q" e4 @  _" {/ K  T8 ?0 E
he was discovered by the cops and finally discharged without any prosecution.0 }& K! G2 o2 A- e' X

# ^# l# t: p5 |1 R9 H+ ~3 Ehk is liberal but only the mind of hker is not free ...