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Wanna share these words with CD or TS who are struggling about SELF

Wanna share these words with CD or TS who are struggling about SELF

$ t# X( q9 k0 ~/ ^  n! x" ZThe harder the mind struggles to get rid of the pain, the greater the pain. The mind can never find the solution, nor can it afford to allow you to find the solution, because it is itself an intrinsic part of the "problem".
3 ?: [" Q) w1 r: O. a  Y* }) D9 [[/unquote]
9 L7 w  p. j- _0 i2 F. f7 S, n
1 z; B/ C) w0 f# uThese words are captured from the book - The Power of Now.


成為永久會員的條件:發帖數(不論主題或回覆)達到 30 個積分達到 50 以上。
i dunno, maybe we should just embrace ourselves as who we really are?


CD不是變態、CD同正常人一樣、喜歡美麗的事物是每個人都有的天性, cd甚至擁有大家通常讚美女性的溫和性情。但社會對cd(只是男cd(!))就stigmatize(標籤化)話係"易服癖",把cd渲染成恐怖、異常的另類人 ,  加深大家對cd不接受
! T' V, R. |- w.
& z, K8 N$ J) T
- {* n5 K: `' Z. X( W: _: A6 b( P( `; v6 N$ f/ o/ i0 W

  ~6 a  ]  U) e5 _! X0 C2 S
8 N2 \( n; e; s- q3 u/ PCD平權之路還有很長的路要走* Q/ {9 m, _# T/ h3 w/ k+ {

  V/ {" o4 ?% d; j0 [4 I
" S& ?, ^3 W7 J5 |3 s( |$ j6 ^; K" g; D
% l/ g7 X# ]# \  u0 o+ y( t$ V& w+ L9 z0 v
9 h  Q+ |4 R7 ]# a' q
, N+ @/ |! V9 R% ^4 \- _" g6 z
; c+ Z  t. o* M9 A, x8 K
! x# C( C: Y$ w$ t1 J2 Q" g' U( }

8 o- \! Y: a* O! c
' I, e# F% j7 [9 h- p.

