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Question to all CD

Question to all CD

Hi all sister , is that possible for me if i just wear pantyhose and skirt without making up in 深圳 ? Is that illegal ?thnx


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回復 1# minnie1211 的帖子

firstly...making up...do u mean "not wearing make up"? (I assumed u wanted to say that)
0 R' l9 P- y6 ?+ g, m0 D& f
: C2 v4 r$ P8 W7 p+ g& @( Y1 {, Cillegal or not , juz depends on situation
# q* K. f% K* j, Z8 f) Y
! A" [! Y9 G4 j+ j  T4 ]. Jif they,the "police" feel offensive, they can arrest u and stop u to do so1 s9 B: u0 T- k. N9 Q+ B$ ]4 ?
IN China...no one guarantee what will happen
2 V% m' K' T2 a( W5 b# R1 L' Q' w- F
) _) W; ?* ~8 k' hI m not even sure if u can go thru the HK custom or not if u juz wear like tht from HK to China
- v! x/ C0 B2 Y/ [I m also not sure if u looks like a girl or not, I m talking about both the body and ur face
/ ^9 L4 C8 R# @% M3 eif not, u should expect to be stare in your whole journey,  mainland Chinese CD hv low quality doesn't mean anyone can be that bad and nobody cares
3 E$ S8 R0 k) k' g$ p" h& \
0 \8 T. [: C3 v  ?2 XHope this help
0 u: e8 N2 n/ f5 B: M, U3 {
" g$ }% [# z. P- B[ 本帖最後由 applechoi 於 2010-1-21 06:21 編輯 ]


3 f2 a* C) \. }$ J, P你點過大陸關?


點解要CD上深圳呢?係咪去東門買野?2 l$ [* A" q. q1 E. F$ z; \


THX ALL SISTERS FOR THE OPINION ..I EXPEXT I WILL CHANGE The clothes after passing the imm .