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I Brought One Set Similar this Youtube Vintage nightgown And Robe In Ebay ,  When Wear In Home And Sleep...Its Feel Very Smooth Lingerie Touching.8 u; m9 j9 A0 g/ k

- {( q# P% t6 P* Q! S9 j; rDoes Anyone Like Sheer Robe And Nightgown ?
9 L7 x( i2 z4 K& e8 [
+ W9 G: @; ^- \% |% [& ^I Dont Know How To Pose Photos In Here , I Just Copy Similar Nightgown Set In Youtube Link .
/ U4 l; K5 Z7 S0 q+ Y
% V6 F; }& Z) g) ^6 c7 M% nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmJsslbFxG0


成為永久會員的條件:發帖數(不論主題或回覆)達到 30 個積分達到 50 以上。
Here is part of my collection, I do have similar set, but no picture , E, R. [8 @; w
「花明月暗飛輕霧,今宵好向郎邊去,剗襪步香階,手提金縷鞋。」: 《菩薩蠻》


I think You Also Like Bustier And Sheer Bra ....Your Collection Is Pretty....I also Like Collect Bustier And LightGown . If I Have New Lingerie . I would Like Pose here , But Can U Teach Me How To Pose Photos In Here?. V( E1 _. v: p  h/ Q
$ Y2 w- m8 ^. ^
By The Way ,  天后-愛不惜 Is It Close Already Or Still In Business ? Where Is The Location ? I Also Want Have A look ./ H4 h3 `' O) `. j1 _) {

+ u' Z9 h7 g+ T# H$ M3 X! `[ 本帖最後由 elain_wong 於 2013-1-6 13:27 編輯 ]


Nightgown is not popular in Hong Kong ? Many girlz I know they wear pajama or pajama dress
; {8 K, p& C/ q' V7 L5 Kor long tee for sleep.   It may be good for the western people specially for the middle aged.
專人代買返學物品,校裙內所有吊帶背心,底裙, 內衣,Bra 打底褲, 內褲等
歡迎PM/Whatapp 查詢, 超過 70+ 單交易 9 年經驗,信心保證  *


回復 3# elain_wong 的帖子

Yes, not all sub-forum can upload file here, if it can, you will see file selection function when you open post.
4 t! H7 B! @6 U# T0 e+ a6 z  R( m$ t( m5 K+ s, R
天后-愛不惜 close for 2-3 years already.
「花明月暗飛輕霧,今宵好向郎邊去,剗襪步香階,手提金縷鞋。」: 《菩薩蠻》


thank you sister report .


原帖由 user9527 於 2013-1-9 00:16 發表   
0 p0 @2 a5 l/ g' T* K% C# dNightgown is not popular in Hong Kong ? Many girlz I know they wear pajama or pajama dress2 ]* r' `6 P9 X! C# o
or long tee for sleep.   It may be good for the western people specially for the middle aged.
1 @; Z2 d) L4 _& n) k( w' |- h. Y0 i
I like those with nothing.


原帖由 iamonheel 於 2013-1-5 21:06 發表   
% Y$ L8 W$ C. T2 p$ e! X. ?! LHere is part of my collection, I do have similar set, but no picture & z  t7 D8 n( O( f% d; T' l: m
+ ~2 m, H; [4 _/ Z; l4 `3 }( Q6 u& i
Hi Sis, almost forgot all of your hot lingerie.   I like those bra as said are sexy.


原帖由 misslady 於 2013-1-10 13:40 發表   ; J8 ^' U' I5 i+ n2 a
' n9 Z' T: f& x7 s+ z

6 @6 X7 L! c! j: V5 EI like those with nothing.
- w" i0 P% _# Q/ Z

* o% |, I/ q1 @2 H; t1 ]You are right , I spoke to my classmate in Uni around 4 years ago and she is from Guang Zhou
7 P" {% ~7 Y4 p9 x# q1 J  ZShe is 100% post modern 1990's (she born in 1990) and we chat together using SMS
: _! c0 C5 k# oshe said she did not wear anything for sleep !!! I asked her are sure serious ?????
1 I+ L) v0 F* T1 X5 k1 |3 o) }8 i- RShe said yes.. The girls from China is much more open minded than those Hong Kong girlz/ R% M* @# S: v  o4 W
0 Y: G6 @8 n/ N* m* u% F  Z
Have a look on tube dance , the only licensed trainer said HK girl is not pro active
% N3 }6 O8 z3 `5 I, N- Sand only stuck at pole and doing nothing. (Refer Appledaily) The thinking of HK girls look like federalism 0 j2 o3 k' [; u
in 1930s.
專人代買返學物品,校裙內所有吊帶背心,底裙, 內衣,Bra 打底褲, 內褲等
歡迎PM/Whatapp 查詢, 超過 70+ 單交易 9 年經驗,信心保證  *